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B4A en español - Juan Antonio Villalpando

-- Tutorial de B4A --

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58- Calentario + SQLite = Agenda.

Este calendario está basado en el código público llamado DataPicker que podemos encontrar en los tutoriales de Basci4Android.

La aplicación DatePicker es un calendario, donde al pulsar sobre un día, podemos obtener una variable con su fecha.

Además he añadido un base de datos SQLite, de manera que al pulsar sobre un día, entramos en otra Activity donde podemos escribir una anotación para ese día. La anotación se podrá guardar en una base de datos SQLite.
Se mostrará en un ListView los días que tengan anotaciones.
Para volver al calendario pulsamos el botón "Atrás" del móvil.

- Bajar: agenda.zip

Activity: Main

Pulsamos sobre una fecha.

Activity: basedatos

Podemos Añadir una anotación a la base de datos, Borrarlo o Modificarlo.

En el ListView se observa los días con anotaciones.


- Creación de la base de datos con una herramienta externa.

Como vimos en el tutorial anterior de SQLite, vamos a crear una base de datos con la aplicación: sqlitebrowser_200_b1_win.zip


Vamos a crear una base de datos llamada: basedatos.sql

con una tabla llamada: agenda

con dos campos de textos: fecha y comentario

Más adelante copiaremos esta base de datos en la carpeta Files de nuestro proyecto.

- También podemos ponerle datos iniciales (pero no es necesario)


- Designer.

Ahora mediante el Designer creamos un Layout para el Activity Main, lo llamaremos "calendar" y contendrá:


También crearemos un Layout para el Activity basedatos, llamado "Layout"

Contendrá: dos Label, un EditText, un ListView y tres Botones.


- Código.

El proyecto necesita las librerías AHLocale (facilita la configuración de la fecha y hora local) y SQL.

Consta de dos Activity: Main y basedatos.

Copia y pega este código en un nuevo proyecto.
Activity: Main
'Activity module

Sub Process_Globals
    Dim trans As AHTranslator
    Dim locale As AHLocale
    'TimeValue holds a random day in the month to be displayed
    'On start, this must be set accordingly to which month to be displayed
    'In this demo it is set to DateTime.Now which is todays date
    'and the calendar shows the current month
    Dim TimeValue, FirstDayOfMonth, LastDayOfMonth As Long 
    Dim DaySelected As Long 'Return value to the calling Activity
    Dim Day(), Month() As String
    Dim FirstDayOfWeek As Int
    DaySelected = 0
    Dim ScaleFactor As Float     'Scale Factor of the whole calendar
    Dim DPTextSize As Int
    ScaleFactor = 1.0            '---------------     CHANGE CALENDAR SCALE FACTOR HERE    ----------
    DPTextSize = 12                ' You can change the base size of all the text here too Default: 14
    Dim btnDateSize As Int
    btnDateSize = 40dip    'Smallest size of the Date button at ScaleFactor = 1.0
    btnDateSize = btnDateSize * ScaleFactor    'Scale the button
    Dim xa, xdiffa As Int
    Dim fecha, txt1 As String
 End Sub

Sub Globals
    Dim Panel1 As Panel
    Dim lblMonthYear As Label    'Month and year at the top of the calendar
    Dim lblDay1 As Label        'Day header column 1 (option base 1)
    Dim lblDay2 As Label        'Day header column 2
    Dim lblDay3 As Label        'Day header column 3
    Dim lblDay4 As Label        'Day header column 4
    Dim lblDay5 As Label        'Day header column 5
    Dim lblDay6 As Label        'Day header column 6
    Dim lblDay7 As Label        'Day header column 7
    Dim oldDateFormat As String
    Dim NextMonth, PrevMonth, Cancel, CurrentMonth, NextYear, PrevYear, btnDefaultDate As Button
    Dim lblDesYear As Label
    Dim txtYear As EditText

End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    trans.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "datepicker")
' trans.Initialize(File.DirDefaultExternal, "datepicker") locale.Initialize DateTime.DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy" ' "MM/dd/yyyy" Dim i As Int 'Set which day is the first day of the week : 1 = Sunday - 2 = Monday FirstDayOfWeek = locale.FirstDayOfWeek Day = locale.ShortWeekDays Month = locale.Months oldDateFormat=DateTime.DateFormat ' DaySelected = 0 ' TimeValue = DateTime.Now If DaySelected=0 Then TimeValue = DateTime.Now Else TimeValue = DaySelected End If Activity.LoadLayout("calendar") Activity.Title = "Agenda" Cancel.Text = trans.GetText("Salir") CurrentMonth.Text = trans.GetText("Hoy") lblDesYear.Text= trans.GetText("Año") txtYear.Text="" txtYear.ForceDoneButton=True txtYear.InputType=txtYear.INPUT_TYPE_PHONE Panel1.Width = Panel1.Width * ScaleFactor Panel1.Height = Panel1.Height * ScaleFactor Panel1.Left = (100%x - Panel1.Width) / 2 If FirstDayOfWeek = 2 Then lblDay1.Text = Day(2) lblDay2.Text = Day(3) lblDay3.Text = Day(4) lblDay4.Text = Day(5) lblDay5.Text = Day(6) lblDay6.Text = Day(7) lblDay7.Text = Day(1) Else lblDay1.Text = Day(1) lblDay2.Text = Day(2) lblDay3.Text = Day(3) lblDay4.Text = Day(4) lblDay5.Text = Day(5) lblDay6.Text = Day(6) lblDay7.Text = Day(7) End If lblDay1.Width = btnDateSize lblDay2.Width = btnDateSize lblDay3.Width = btnDateSize lblDay4.Width = btnDateSize lblDay5.Width = btnDateSize lblDay6.Width = btnDateSize lblDay7.Width = btnDateSize lblDay1.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor lblDay2.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor lblDay3.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor lblDay4.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor lblDay5.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor lblDay6.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor lblDay7.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor 'DoEvents i = 10dip lblDay1.Left = i i = i + btnDateSize lblDay2.Left = i i = i + btnDateSize lblDay3.Left = i i = i + btnDateSize lblDay4.Left = i i = i + btnDateSize lblDay5.Left = i i = i + btnDateSize lblDay6.Left = i i = i + btnDateSize lblDay7.Left = i lblDay1.Top = 75dip 'btnDateSize lblDay2.Top = 75dip 'btnDateSize lblDay3.Top = 75dip 'btnDateSize lblDay4.Top = 75dip 'btnDateSize lblDay5.Top = 75dip 'btnDateSize lblDay6.Top = 75dip 'btnDateSize lblDay7.Top = 75dip 'btnDateSize Cancel.Height = 50dip * ScaleFactor Cancel.Width = 90dip * ScaleFactor Cancel.Top = 380dip Cancel.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor Cancel.Left = 220dip CurrentMonth.Height = 50dip * ScaleFactor CurrentMonth.Width = 90dip * ScaleFactor CurrentMonth.Top = 380dip CurrentMonth.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor CurrentMonth.Left = 10dip btnDefaultDate.Height = 50dip * ScaleFactor btnDefaultDate.Width = 90dip * ScaleFactor btnDefaultDate.Top = 380dip btnDefaultDate.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor btnDefaultDate.Left = 115dip CreateCalendar End Sub Sub Activity_Resume 'Get and show the day selected If DaySelected > 0 Then DateTime.DateFormat = "dd/MMM/yyyy" ' "MM/dd/yyyy" fecha = DateTime.Date(DaySelected) End If End Sub Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean) End Sub Sub CreateCalendar Dim i, OffsetX, OffsetY As Int Dim TempDay, StartDate, EndDate, bDay, Today As Long Today = DateTime.Now DateTime.DateFormat="ddMMyyyy" 'Calculate the first day of the month according FirstDayOfMonth = DateTime.DateParse("01" & DateTime.Date(TimeValue).SubString(2)) 'Calculate the last day of the month TempDay = DateTime.Add(TimeValue,0,1,0) TempDay = DateTime.DateParse("01" & DateTime.Date(TempDay).SubString(2)) LastDayOfMonth = DateTime.Add(TempDay,0,0,-1) lblMonthYear.Text = Month(DateTime.GetMonth(TimeValue) - 1) & " " & DateTime.GetYear(TimeValue) txtYear.Text=DateTime.GetYear(TimeValue) 'Format the Top Section of the Calendar lblMonthYear.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor lblMonthYear.Left = 60dip * ScaleFactor lblMonthYear.Width = 180dip * ScaleFactor lblMonthYear.Height = 40dip * ScaleFactor NextMonth.Left = 240dip * ScaleFactor NextMonth.Width = 60dip * ScaleFactor NextMonth.Height = 40dip * ScaleFactor NextMonth.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor PrevMonth.Width = 60dip * ScaleFactor PrevMonth.Height = 40dip * ScaleFactor PrevMonth.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor lblDesYear.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor lblDesYear.Left = 95dip * ScaleFactor lblDesYear.Width = 55dip * ScaleFactor lblDesYear.Height = 40dip * ScaleFactor txtYear.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor txtYear.Left = 155dip * ScaleFactor txtYear.Width = 65dip * ScaleFactor txtYear.Height = 40dip * ScaleFactor NextYear.Left = 215dip * ScaleFactor NextYear.Width = 60dip * ScaleFactor NextYear.Height = 40dip * ScaleFactor NextYear.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor PrevYear.Left = 25dip * ScaleFactor PrevYear.Width = 60dip * ScaleFactor PrevYear.Height = 40dip * ScaleFactor PrevYear.TextSize = DPTextSize * ScaleFactor OffsetX = 10dip 'Top Left of date grid ' OffsetY = 70dip * ScaleFactor OffsetY = 100dip * ScaleFactor 'Calculate the first day to be displayed in the calendar If FirstDayOfWeek = 2 Then If (DateTime.GetDayOfWeek(FirstDayOfMonth) - 1) = 0 Then StartDate = DateTime.Add(FirstDayOfMonth,0,0,-6) Else StartDate = DateTime.Add(FirstDayOfMonth,0,0, 0-(DateTime.GetDayOfWeek(FirstDayOfMonth) - 2)) End If Else StartDate = DateTime.Add(FirstDayOfMonth,0,0, 0-(DateTime.GetDayOfWeek(FirstDayOfMonth) - 1)) End If bDay = StartDate 'Calculate the last day to be displayed in the calendar If FirstDayOfWeek = 2 Then If (DateTime.GetDayOfWeek(LastDayOfMonth) - 1) = 0 Then EndDate = LastDayOfMonth Else EndDate = DateTime.Add(LastDayOfMonth,0,0, 8 - DateTime.GetDayOfWeek(LastDayOfMonth)) End If Else EndDate = DateTime.Add(LastDayOfMonth,0,0, 7 - DateTime.GetDayOfWeek(LastDayOfMonth)) End If 'Place a button for each day to be displayed. 'Days in the previous and next month are grayed out and cannot be selected 'Todays date is shown with a red bold text 'Each buttons tag holds the day of the button For i = 1 To 42 If bDay <= EndDate Then Dim bn As Button bn.Initialize("ButtonPress") bn.Text = DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(bDay) If DateTime.GetMonth(bDay) <> DateTime.GetMonth(TimeValue) Then bn.Enabled = False bn.Tag = 0 Else bn.Enabled = True bn.Tag = bDay End If If DaySelected<>0 Then If DateTime.Date(bDay) = DateTime.Date(DaySelected) Then bn.TextColor = Colors.Blue bn.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD End If End If If DateTime.Date(bDay) = DateTime.Date(Today) Then bn.TextColor = Colors.Red bn.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD End If 'All buttons are placed on a panel Panel1.AddView(bn, OffsetX, OffsetY, btnDateSize, btnDateSize) bn.TextSize = DPTextSize bn.TextSize = bn.TextSize * ScaleFactor OffsetX = OffsetX + btnDateSize If OffsetX > (10dip + (btnDateSize * 6)) Then OffsetX = 10dip OffsetY = OffsetY + btnDateSize End If bDay = DateTime.Add(bDay,0,0,1) End If Next End Sub Sub RemovePanelViews Dim i As Int Dim v As View Dim ii As Long For i=Panel1.NumberOfViews-1 To 0 Step -1 v = Panel1.GetView(i) Try ii = v.Tag If ii >= 0 Then Panel1.RemoveViewAt(i) End If Catch ' End Try Next End Sub Sub PrevMonth_Click 'Show previous month RemovePanelViews TimeValue = DateTime.Add(FirstDayOfMonth,0,-1,0) CreateCalendar End Sub Sub NextMonth_Click 'Show next month RemovePanelViews TimeValue = DateTime.Add(FirstDayOfMonth,0,1,0) CreateCalendar End Sub Sub CurrentMonth_Click 'Show current month RemovePanelViews TimeValue = DateTime.Now CreateCalendar End Sub Sub btnDefaultDate_Click 'Show default date RemovePanelViews If DaySelected=0 Then TimeValue = DateTime.Now Else TimeValue = DaySelected End If CreateCalendar End Sub Sub PrevYear_Click 'Show previous year RemovePanelViews TimeValue = DateTime.Add(FirstDayOfMonth, -1, 0,0) CreateCalendar End Sub Sub NextYear_Click 'Show next year RemovePanelViews TimeValue = DateTime.Add(FirstDayOfMonth, 1, 0, 0) CreateCalendar End Sub Sub calcYear Dim fdom As Long If txtYear.Text="" Then xa=0 Else xa=txtYear.Text End If xa=Abs(Ceil(xa)) ' anno scritto - anno attuale xdiffa=xa-DateTime.GetYear(DateTime.Now) RemovePanelViews
    fdom = DateTime.Now
    TimeValue = DateTime.Add(fdom, xdiffa, 0, 0)
End Sub

Sub txtYear_EnterPressed
End Sub

Sub txtYear_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub    txtYear_GotFocus
End Sub

Sub ButtonPress_Click
    'Update DaySelected with the selected day and return to the calling activity
    Dim b As Button 
    b = Sender
    DaySelected = b.Tag 
    fecha = DateTime.Date(DaySelected)

    CallSubDelayed(basedatos, "Buscar")    

'    Activity.Finish 
End Sub

Sub Cancel_Click
    'Return to calling activity without selecting a day
    DaySelected = 0
End Sub

Copia y pega este código en un nuevo proyecto.
Activity: basedatos
Sub Process_Globals
' Juan Antonio Villalpando
' juana1991@yahoo.com

' febrero 2013
 '   Dim SQL1 As SQL
End Sub

Sub Globals
    Dim SQL1 As SQL
    Dim registro As Cursor
    Dim EditText1 As EditText
    Dim Label1, Label2 As Label
    Dim fecha, comentario As String
    Dim ListView1 As ListView
    Dim Button1, Button2, Button3 As Button
    Dim existe As Boolean
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
existe = False

    If File.Exists(File.DirInternal,"basedatos.sql") = False Then
    ' Ponemos una base inicial de datos en la carpeta Files.
    ' Luego la copiamos a la SD Card
    End If
    If SQL1.IsInitialized = False Then
        SQL1.Initialize(File.DirInternal, "basedatos.sql", False)
    End If
    ' Llama a la Subrutina para cargar la base de datos en el ListView1
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub Carga_BD_en_ListView
' Limpia el ListView1
' Carga la tabla agenda de la basedatos.sql ordenado por fecha
registro = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM agenda order BY SUBSTR(fecha, 7, 4), SUBSTR(fecha, 4, 2), SUBSTR(fecha, 1, 2)")

For n = 0 To registro.RowCount - 1
registro.Position = n
ListView1.AddSingleLine(registro.GetString("fecha")& " - " & registro.GetString("comentario"))
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = 40
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextSize = 20
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextColor = Colors.Black
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.Label.Color = Colors.White

End Sub

Sub Button1_Click
    ' Añadir al Registro
    fecha = Label2.Text 
    comentario = EditText1.Text
    If fecha = "" OR comentario = "" Then
        Msgbox("Debes escribir una anotación.","Faltan datos.")

     registro = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT fecha FROM agenda")
For n = 0 To registro.RowCount - 1    
If existe = True Then Return ' Si el día existe, no se podrá añadir otro día igual

    SQL1.ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO agenda VALUES('" & fecha & "','" & comentario & "')")

    Label2.Text = ""
    EditText1.Text = ""
End If

End Sub

Sub Button2_Click
    ' Borrar del Registro
    fecha = Label2.Text 
    SQL1.ExecNonQuery("DELETE FROM agenda WHERE fecha = '"& fecha &"'")
    Label2.Text = ""
    EditText1.Text = ""
End Sub

Sub Button3_Click
    ' Modificar el Registro
    fecha = Label2.Text 
    comentario = EditText1.Text
 If fecha = "" OR comentario = "" Then
    Msgbox("Debes escribir una anotación.","Faltan datos.")
   SQL1.ExecNonQuery("UPDATE agenda set comentario ='"& comentario &"' WHERE fecha = '"& fecha &"'")
 End If

End Sub

Sub Buscar

registro = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM agenda where fecha = '" & Main.fecha & "' ")

For n = 0 To registro.RowCount - 1
registro.Position = n
If Label2.Text= fecha Then existe = True ' Si el día existe, luego no se podrá añadir otro día igual
    If Label2.Text="" Then Label2.Text = DateTime.Date(Main.DaySelected)
End Sub


- Comentarios.

- En el Activity Main la siguiente línea es la que llama a la Subrutina Buscar del Activity basedatos:

CallSubDelayed(basedatos, "Buscar")

- Grabamos en la carpeta Files la base de datos: basedatos.sql
- La carpeta Files (DirAssets) es de solo lectura cuando se ejecuta el proyecto, así que lo primero que hace es copiar la base de datos en una carpeta de lectura/escritura (DirInternal).

- Las fechas están en formato dd/mm/aaaa, para que se presenten ordenadas en el ListView utilizo esta línea:

registro = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM agenda order BY SUBSTR(fecha, 7, 4), SUBSTR(fecha, 4, 2), SUBSTR(fecha, 1, 2)")

- Sugerencias.

- Modificar el código para que los días con anotaciones aparezcan de color azul.

- Lanzar la aplicación como servicio y cuando el día actual tenga anotación, salga una notificación.


- Mi correo:
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© Juan A. Villalpando
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