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Arduino en español
Circuitos con Arduino - Juan Antonio Villalpando

-- Tutorial de iniciación a Arduino --

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15B.- Matriz de LED de 8x8 con MAX7219.

Se trata de una matriz de LED de 8x8 como se ve en la foto. Los LED son de color rojo y tienen forma redondeada.
El módulo de LED es en mi caso el 1088AS, esta es su Hoja de datos. Datasheet 1088AS

Se observa que la matriz es de cátodo cómun
(se puede encontrar otro modelo de ánodo común)

Podríamos controlar la matriz de LED mediante sus 16 terminales, para evitar utilizar tantos terminales, se dispone del integrado MAX7219
Hoja de datos del MAX7219, este es un circuito integrado de interface en serie, gracias a este integrado con solo tres terminales podemos controlar todos los LED.

Necesita conectar los terminales Vcc, GND, DIN, CS y CLK.


En el dibujo de arriba, el MAX7912 controlando a 8 Display de 7 segmentos

En el dibujo de arriba, el MAX7912 controlando a una matriz de 8x8


Terminal 12 ....... DIN
Terminal 11 ....... CLK
Terminal 10 ....... CS


1.- Con la librería LedControlMS


Librería necesaria... LedControlMS.zip


#include "LedControlMS.h"
#define NumeroMatrices 1     // Indicamos cuántas matrices vamos a utilizar, 1

LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10, NumeroMatrices);

void setup()
      for (int i=0; i< NumeroMatrices ; i++)
          lc.shutdown(i,false);    // Despertar a la matriz
          lc.setIntensity(i,8);    // Intensidad a 8
          lc.clearDisplay(i);      // Borrar la matriz

void loop()

- En las carpeta examples de la librería viene más ejemplos

- MakeSpace_LEDMatrix: Podemos controlar cada LED, realizar un contador, escribir un texto.






- LCDemoMatrix: escribe la palabra Arduino mediante un patrón (poner el Delay a 1000)

byte a[5]={B01111110,B10001000,B10001000,B10001000,B01111110};
byte r[5]={B00111110,B00010000,B00100000,B00100000,B00010000};
byte d[5]={B00011100,B00100010,B00100010,B00010010,B11111110};
byte u[5]={B00111100,B00000010,B00000010,B00000100,B00111110};
byte i[5]={B00000000,B00100010,B10111110,B00000010,B00000000};
byte n[5]={B00111110,B00010000,B00100000,B00100000,B00011110};
byte o[5]={B00011100,B00100010,B00100010,B00100010,B00011100};


- LCDemoCascadeDevice: para visualizar en varios módulos.

- LCDemo7Segment: es para escribir la palabra Arduino en un Display de 7 segmento, en la Matriz 8x8 no funciona correctamente.


- Cambios.

- Quiero visualizar solamente la letra K

void loop()



- Quiero que la letra K esté una columna desplazada hacia la derecha.

Ve a la carpeta la librería LEDControMS, edita el archivo LEDControMS.h

Verás estas líneas...


Vamos a la línea de la K, ponemos la primera columna a 0 y eliminamos el último 0x0:


- Quiero iluminar dos LED.

void loop()


- Intermitente

void loop()

En las Columnas y Filas se utiliza numeración en hexadecimal.

- Cruz Intermitente

void loop()

- Scroll

void loop()

void scrollRight(char ch){
int pos =lc.getCharArrayPosition(ch);
for (int scroll =0; scroll<8; scroll++) {
for (int i=0; i<6;i++) {
if (scroll+i<8) lc.setRow(0, scroll+i, alphabetBitmap[pos][i]);


- Varias pantallas en cascada.

- Se observa que el terminal de datos de salida DOUT, se conecta al terminal de datos de entrada DIN del siguiente módulo.

- Los cables rojos y negros corresponden a +5V y GND respectivamente.

Cargamos el siguiente código, en mi caso establezco en 4 el número de matrices.

Un punto recorrerá progresivamente cada pantalla.

//We always have to include the library
#include "LedControlMS.h"
Now we need a LedControl to work with.
***** These pin numbers will probably not work with your hardware *****
pin 12 is connected to the DataIn 
pin 11 is connected to the CLK 
pin 10 is connected to LOAD 
***** Please set the number of devices you have *****
But the maximum default of 8 MAX72XX wil also work.
LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10,4);

/* we always wait a bit between updates of the display */
unsigned long delaytime=50;

This time we have more than one device. 
But all of them have to be initialized 
void setup() {
//we have already set the number of devices when we created the LedControl
int devices=lc.getDeviceCount();
//we have to init all devices in a loop
for(int address=0;address<devices;address++) {
/* The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup */
/* Set the brightness to a medium values */
/* and clear the display */

void loop() { 
//read the number cascaded devices
int devices=lc.getDeviceCount();

//we have to init all devices in a loop
for(int row=0;row<8;row++) {
for(int col=0;col<8;col++) {
for(int address=0;address<devices;address++) {

- Scroll carácter a carácter.

En rojo, número de pantallas.

En el código de abajo los caracteres pasan de pantalla a pantalla en scroll.

Scroll carácter a carácter
//We always have to include the library
#include "LedControlMS.h"
Now we need a LedControl to work with.
***** These pin numbers will probably not work with your hardware *****
pin 12 is connected to the DataIn
pin 11 is connected to the CLK
pin 10 is connected to LOAD
We have only a single MAX72XX.
#define NBR_MTX 4
LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10, NBR_MTX);
/* we always wait a bit between updates of the display */
String scrollString= " KIO4.COM JUAN ANTONIO ";
int stringLength=scrollString.length();
char ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3;
int nextCharIndex=0;
void setup() {
   The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup,
   we have to do a wakeup call
  Serial.begin (9600);
  for (int i=0; i< NBR_MTX; i++){
  /* Set the brightness to a low value */
  /* and clear the display */
  ch0= scrollString[0];
  ch1= scrollString[1];
  ch2= scrollString[2];
  ch3= scrollString[3];
void loop(){
  lc.displayChar(0, lc.getCharArrayPosition(ch0));
  lc.displayChar(1, lc.getCharArrayPosition(ch1));
  lc.displayChar(2, lc.getCharArrayPosition(ch2));
  lc.displayChar(3, lc.getCharArrayPosition(ch3));
  if (nextCharIndex>=stringLength) nextCharIndex=0;


2.- Con la librería MaxMatrix

de https://code.google.com/p/arudino-maxmatrix-library/

Librería necesaria... MaxMatrix

- Mensaje estático en una o varias pantallas.

Mensaje estático
#include <MaxMatrix.h>
//#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
PROGMEM const byte CH[] = {
3, 8, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // space
1, 8, B1011111, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // !
3, 8, B0000011, B0000000, B0000011, B0000000, B0000000, // "
5, 8, B0010100, B0111110, B0010100, B0111110, B0010100, // #
4, 8, B0100100, B1101010, B0101011, B0010010, B0000000, // $
5, 8, B1100011, B0010011, B0001000, B1100100, B1100011, // %
5, 8, B0110110, B1001001, B1010110, B0100000, B1010000, // &
1, 8, B0000011, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // '
3, 8, B0011100, B0100010, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, // (
3, 8, B1000001, B0100010, B0011100, B0000000, B0000000, // )
5, 8, B0101000, B0011000, B0001110, B0011000, B0101000, // *
5, 8, B0001000, B0001000, B0111110, B0001000, B0001000, // +
2, 8, B10110000, B1110000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // ,
4, 8, B0001000, B0001000, B0001000, B0001000, B0000000, // -
2, 8, B1100000, B1100000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // .
4, 8, B1100000, B0011000, B0000110, B0000001, B0000000, // /
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B0111110, B0000000, // 0
3, 8, B1000010, B1111111, B1000000, B0000000, B0000000, // 1
4, 8, B1100010, B1010001, B1001001, B1000110, B0000000, // 2
4, 8, B0100010, B1000001, B1001001, B0110110, B0000000, // 3
4, 8, B0011000, B0010100, B0010010, B1111111, B0000000, // 4
4, 8, B0100111, B1000101, B1000101, B0111001, B0000000, // 5
4, 8, B0111110, B1001001, B1001001, B0110000, B0000000, // 6
4, 8, B1100001, B0010001, B0001001, B0000111, B0000000, // 7
4, 8, B0110110, B1001001, B1001001, B0110110, B0000000, // 8
4, 8, B0000110, B1001001, B1001001, B0111110, B0000000, // 9
2, 8, B01010000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // :
2, 8, B10000000, B01010000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // ;
3, 8, B0010000, B0101000, B1000100, B0000000, B0000000, // <
3, 8, B0010100, B0010100, B0010100, B0000000, B0000000, // =
3, 8, B1000100, B0101000, B0010000, B0000000, B0000000, // >
4, 8, B0000010, B1011001, B0001001, B0000110, B0000000, // ?
5, 8, B0111110, B1001001, B1010101, B1011101, B0001110, // @
4, 8, B1111110, B0010001, B0010001, B1111110, B0000000, // A
4, 8, B1111111, B1001001, B1001001, B0110110, B0000000, // B
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B0100010, B0000000, // C
4, 8, B1111111, B1000001, B1000001, B0111110, B0000000, // D
4, 8, B1111111, B1001001, B1001001, B1000001, B0000000, // E
4, 8, B1111111, B0001001, B0001001, B0000001, B0000000, // F
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1001001, B1111010, B0000000, // G
4, 8, B1111111, B0001000, B0001000, B1111111, B0000000, // H
3, 8, B1000001, B1111111, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, // I
4, 8, B0110000, B1000000, B1000001, B0111111, B0000000, // J
4, 8, B1111111, B0001000, B0010100, B1100011, B0000000, // K
4, 8, B1111111, B1000000, B1000000, B1000000, B0000000, // L
5, 8, B1111111, B0000010, B0001100, B0000010, B1111111, // M
5, 8, B1111111, B0000100, B0001000, B0010000, B1111111, // N
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B0111110, B0000000, // O
4, 8, B1111111, B0001001, B0001001, B0000110, B0000000, // P
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B10111110, B0000000, // Q
4, 8, B1111111, B0001001, B0001001, B1110110, B0000000, // R
4, 8, B1000110, B1001001, B1001001, B0110010, B0000000, // S
5, 8, B0000001, B0000001, B1111111, B0000001, B0000001, // T
4, 8, B0111111, B1000000, B1000000, B0111111, B0000000, // U
5, 8, B0001111, B0110000, B1000000, B0110000, B0001111, // V
5, 8, B0111111, B1000000, B0111000, B1000000, B0111111, // W
5, 8, B1100011, B0010100, B0001000, B0010100, B1100011, // X
5, 8, B0000111, B0001000, B1110000, B0001000, B0000111, // Y
4, 8, B1100001, B1010001, B1001001, B1000111, B0000000, // Z
2, 8, B1111111, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // [
4, 8, B0000001, B0000110, B0011000, B1100000, B0000000, // backslash
2, 8, B1000001, B1111111, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // ]
3, 8, B0000010, B0000001, B0000010, B0000000, B0000000, // hat
4, 8, B1000000, B1000000, B1000000, B1000000, B0000000, // _
2, 8, B0000001, B0000010, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // `
4, 8, B0100000, B1010100, B1010100, B1111000, B0000000, // a
4, 8, B1111111, B1000100, B1000100, B0111000, B0000000, // b
4, 8, B0111000, B1000100, B1000100, B0101000, B0000000, // c
4, 8, B0111000, B1000100, B1000100, B1111111, B0000000, // d
4, 8, B0111000, B1010100, B1010100, B0011000, B0000000, // e
3, 8, B0000100, B1111110, B0000101, B0000000, B0000000, // f
4, 8, B10011000, B10100100, B10100100, B01111000, B0000000, // g
4, 8, B1111111, B0000100, B0000100, B1111000, B0000000, // h
3, 8, B1000100, B1111101, B1000000, B0000000, B0000000, // i
4, 8, B1000000, B10000000, B10000100, B1111101, B0000000, // j
4, 8, B1111111, B0010000, B0101000, B1000100, B0000000, // k
3, 8, B1000001, B1111111, B1000000, B0000000, B0000000, // l
5, 8, B1111100, B0000100, B1111100, B0000100, B1111000, // m
4, 8, B1111100, B0000100, B0000100, B1111000, B0000000, // n
4, 8, B0111000, B1000100, B1000100, B0111000, B0000000, // o
4, 8, B11111100, B0100100, B0100100, B0011000, B0000000, // p
4, 8, B0011000, B0100100, B0100100, B11111100, B0000000, // q
4, 8, B1111100, B0001000, B0000100, B0000100, B0000000, // r
4, 8, B1001000, B1010100, B1010100, B0100100, B0000000, // s
3, 8, B0000100, B0111111, B1000100, B0000000, B0000000, // t
4, 8, B0111100, B1000000, B1000000, B1111100, B0000000, // u
5, 8, B0011100, B0100000, B1000000, B0100000, B0011100, // v
5, 8, B0111100, B1000000, B0111100, B1000000, B0111100, // w
5, 8, B1000100, B0101000, B0010000, B0101000, B1000100, // x
4, 8, B10011100, B10100000, B10100000, B1111100, B0000000, // y
3, 8, B1100100, B1010100, B1001100, B0000000, B0000000, // z
3, 8, B0001000, B0110110, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, // {
1, 8, B1111111, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // |
3, 8, B1000001, B0110110, B0001000, B0000000, B0000000, // }
4, 8, B0001000, B0000100, B0001000, B0000100, B0000000, // ~

int data = 12;
int load = 10;
int clock = 11;
int maxInUse = 4; //change this variable to set how many MAX7219's you'll use
MaxMatrix m(data, load, clock, maxInUse);
byte buffer[10];
char msg[] = "KIO4";

void setup()
void loop()

void printString(char* s)
int col = 0;
while (*s != 0)
if (*s < 32) continue;
char c = *s - 32;
memcpy_P(buffer, CH + 7*c, 7);
m.writeSprite(col, 0, buffer);
m.setColumn(col + buffer[0], 0);
col += buffer[0] + 1;

- Mensaje con scroll suave, columna a columna en varias pantallas. Serial Monitor.

- Establece el Serial Monitor en 9600

- Escribes algo en el Serial Monitor y aparecerá en las pantallas.

- Se ha de establecer el número de pantallas. También se puede poner en 1 sola pantalla.

Mensaje con Scroll suave
#include <MaxMatrix.h>
//#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
PROGMEM const byte CH[] = {
3, 8, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // space
1, 8, B1011111, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // !
3, 8, B0000011, B0000000, B0000011, B0000000, B0000000, // "
5, 8, B0010100, B0111110, B0010100, B0111110, B0010100, // #
4, 8, B0100100, B1101010, B0101011, B0010010, B0000000, // $
5, 8, B1100011, B0010011, B0001000, B1100100, B1100011, // %
5, 8, B0110110, B1001001, B1010110, B0100000, B1010000, // &
1, 8, B0000011, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // '
3, 8, B0011100, B0100010, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, // (
3, 8, B1000001, B0100010, B0011100, B0000000, B0000000, // )
5, 8, B0101000, B0011000, B0001110, B0011000, B0101000, // *
5, 8, B0001000, B0001000, B0111110, B0001000, B0001000, // +
2, 8, B10110000, B1110000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // ,
4, 8, B0001000, B0001000, B0001000, B0001000, B0000000, // -
2, 8, B1100000, B1100000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // .
4, 8, B1100000, B0011000, B0000110, B0000001, B0000000, // /
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B0111110, B0000000, // 0
3, 8, B1000010, B1111111, B1000000, B0000000, B0000000, // 1
4, 8, B1100010, B1010001, B1001001, B1000110, B0000000, // 2
4, 8, B0100010, B1000001, B1001001, B0110110, B0000000, // 3
4, 8, B0011000, B0010100, B0010010, B1111111, B0000000, // 4
4, 8, B0100111, B1000101, B1000101, B0111001, B0000000, // 5
4, 8, B0111110, B1001001, B1001001, B0110000, B0000000, // 6
4, 8, B1100001, B0010001, B0001001, B0000111, B0000000, // 7
4, 8, B0110110, B1001001, B1001001, B0110110, B0000000, // 8
4, 8, B0000110, B1001001, B1001001, B0111110, B0000000, // 9
2, 8, B01010000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // :
2, 8, B10000000, B01010000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // ;
3, 8, B0010000, B0101000, B1000100, B0000000, B0000000, // <
3, 8, B0010100, B0010100, B0010100, B0000000, B0000000, // =
3, 8, B1000100, B0101000, B0010000, B0000000, B0000000, // >
4, 8, B0000010, B1011001, B0001001, B0000110, B0000000, // ?
5, 8, B0111110, B1001001, B1010101, B1011101, B0001110, // @
4, 8, B1111110, B0010001, B0010001, B1111110, B0000000, // A
4, 8, B1111111, B1001001, B1001001, B0110110, B0000000, // B
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B0100010, B0000000, // C
4, 8, B1111111, B1000001, B1000001, B0111110, B0000000, // D
4, 8, B1111111, B1001001, B1001001, B1000001, B0000000, // E
4, 8, B1111111, B0001001, B0001001, B0000001, B0000000, // F
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1001001, B1111010, B0000000, // G
4, 8, B1111111, B0001000, B0001000, B1111111, B0000000, // H
3, 8, B1000001, B1111111, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, // I
4, 8, B0110000, B1000000, B1000001, B0111111, B0000000, // J
4, 8, B1111111, B0001000, B0010100, B1100011, B0000000, // K
4, 8, B1111111, B1000000, B1000000, B1000000, B0000000, // L
5, 8, B1111111, B0000010, B0001100, B0000010, B1111111, // M
5, 8, B1111111, B0000100, B0001000, B0010000, B1111111, // N
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B0111110, B0000000, // O
4, 8, B1111111, B0001001, B0001001, B0000110, B0000000, // P
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B10111110, B0000000, // Q
4, 8, B1111111, B0001001, B0001001, B1110110, B0000000, // R
4, 8, B1000110, B1001001, B1001001, B0110010, B0000000, // S
5, 8, B0000001, B0000001, B1111111, B0000001, B0000001, // T
4, 8, B0111111, B1000000, B1000000, B0111111, B0000000, // U
5, 8, B0001111, B0110000, B1000000, B0110000, B0001111, // V
5, 8, B0111111, B1000000, B0111000, B1000000, B0111111, // W
5, 8, B1100011, B0010100, B0001000, B0010100, B1100011, // X
5, 8, B0000111, B0001000, B1110000, B0001000, B0000111, // Y
4, 8, B1100001, B1010001, B1001001, B1000111, B0000000, // Z
2, 8, B1111111, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // [
4, 8, B0000001, B0000110, B0011000, B1100000, B0000000, // backslash
2, 8, B1000001, B1111111, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // ]
3, 8, B0000010, B0000001, B0000010, B0000000, B0000000, // hat
4, 8, B1000000, B1000000, B1000000, B1000000, B0000000, // _
2, 8, B0000001, B0000010, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // `
4, 8, B0100000, B1010100, B1010100, B1111000, B0000000, // a
4, 8, B1111111, B1000100, B1000100, B0111000, B0000000, // b
4, 8, B0111000, B1000100, B1000100, B0101000, B0000000, // c
4, 8, B0111000, B1000100, B1000100, B1111111, B0000000, // d
4, 8, B0111000, B1010100, B1010100, B0011000, B0000000, // e
3, 8, B0000100, B1111110, B0000101, B0000000, B0000000, // f
4, 8, B10011000, B10100100, B10100100, B01111000, B0000000, // g
4, 8, B1111111, B0000100, B0000100, B1111000, B0000000, // h
3, 8, B1000100, B1111101, B1000000, B0000000, B0000000, // i
4, 8, B1000000, B10000000, B10000100, B1111101, B0000000, // j
4, 8, B1111111, B0010000, B0101000, B1000100, B0000000, // k
3, 8, B1000001, B1111111, B1000000, B0000000, B0000000, // l
5, 8, B1111100, B0000100, B1111100, B0000100, B1111000, // m
4, 8, B1111100, B0000100, B0000100, B1111000, B0000000, // n
4, 8, B0111000, B1000100, B1000100, B0111000, B0000000, // o
4, 8, B11111100, B0100100, B0100100, B0011000, B0000000, // p
4, 8, B0011000, B0100100, B0100100, B11111100, B0000000, // q
4, 8, B1111100, B0001000, B0000100, B0000100, B0000000, // r
4, 8, B1001000, B1010100, B1010100, B0100100, B0000000, // s
3, 8, B0000100, B0111111, B1000100, B0000000, B0000000, // t
4, 8, B0111100, B1000000, B1000000, B1111100, B0000000, // u
5, 8, B0011100, B0100000, B1000000, B0100000, B0011100, // v
5, 8, B0111100, B1000000, B0111100, B1000000, B0111100, // w
5, 8, B1000100, B0101000, B0010000, B0101000, B1000100, // x
4, 8, B10011100, B10100000, B10100000, B1111100, B0000000, // y
3, 8, B1100100, B1010100, B1001100, B0000000, B0000000, // z
3, 8, B0001000, B0110110, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, // {
1, 8, B1111111, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // |
3, 8, B1000001, B0110110, B0001000, B0000000, B0000000, // }
4, 8, B0001000, B0000100, B0001000, B0000100, B0000000, // ~

int data = 12;
int load = 10;
int clock = 11;
int maxInUse = 4; //change this variable to set how many MAX7219's you'll use
MaxMatrix m(data, load, clock, maxInUse);
byte buffer[10];

void setup()

void loop()
while (Serial.available() > 0)
byte c = Serial.read();
Serial.println(c, DEC);
printCharWithShift(c, 100);

m.shiftLeft(false, true);

void printCharWithShift(char c, int shift_speed)
if (c < 32) return;
c -= 32;
memcpy_P(buffer, CH + 7*c, 7);
m.writeSprite(32, 0, buffer);
m.setColumn(32 + buffer[0], 0);

for (int i=0; i<buffer[0]+1; i++) 
m.shiftLeft(false, false);

void printStringWithShift(char* s, int shift_speed)
while (*s != 0)
printCharWithShift(*s, shift_speed);

- Mensaje con scroll suave, columna a columna en varias pantallas. Mensaje en código.

- Sí, este es el código que buscas.

- Librería, continuamos con la MaxMatrix

- Voy a modificar el código anterior para que el mensaje esté en el código y no tengamos que escribirlo en el Serial Monitor, aunque se puede ver los caracteres en él..

- Será un mensaje con scroll suave e infinito.

- Puedes probarlo con una sola pantalla:

int maxInUse = 1; //change this variable to set how many MAX7219's you'll use


Mensaje con Scroll suave e infinito.
#include <MaxMatrix.h>
//#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
PROGMEM const byte CH[] = {
3, 8, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // space
1, 8, B1011111, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // !
3, 8, B0000011, B0000000, B0000011, B0000000, B0000000, // "
5, 8, B0010100, B0111110, B0010100, B0111110, B0010100, // #
4, 8, B0100100, B1101010, B0101011, B0010010, B0000000, // $
5, 8, B1100011, B0010011, B0001000, B1100100, B1100011, // %
5, 8, B0110110, B1001001, B1010110, B0100000, B1010000, // &
1, 8, B0000011, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // '
3, 8, B0011100, B0100010, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, // (
3, 8, B1000001, B0100010, B0011100, B0000000, B0000000, // )
5, 8, B0101000, B0011000, B0001110, B0011000, B0101000, // *
5, 8, B0001000, B0001000, B0111110, B0001000, B0001000, // +
2, 8, B10110000, B1110000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // ,
4, 8, B0001000, B0001000, B0001000, B0001000, B0000000, // -
2, 8, B1100000, B1100000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // .
4, 8, B1100000, B0011000, B0000110, B0000001, B0000000, // /
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B0111110, B0000000, // 0
3, 8, B1000010, B1111111, B1000000, B0000000, B0000000, // 1
4, 8, B1100010, B1010001, B1001001, B1000110, B0000000, // 2
4, 8, B0100010, B1000001, B1001001, B0110110, B0000000, // 3
4, 8, B0011000, B0010100, B0010010, B1111111, B0000000, // 4
4, 8, B0100111, B1000101, B1000101, B0111001, B0000000, // 5
4, 8, B0111110, B1001001, B1001001, B0110000, B0000000, // 6
4, 8, B1100001, B0010001, B0001001, B0000111, B0000000, // 7
4, 8, B0110110, B1001001, B1001001, B0110110, B0000000, // 8
4, 8, B0000110, B1001001, B1001001, B0111110, B0000000, // 9
2, 8, B01010000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // :
2, 8, B10000000, B01010000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // ;
3, 8, B0010000, B0101000, B1000100, B0000000, B0000000, // <
3, 8, B0010100, B0010100, B0010100, B0000000, B0000000, // =
3, 8, B1000100, B0101000, B0010000, B0000000, B0000000, // >
4, 8, B0000010, B1011001, B0001001, B0000110, B0000000, // ?
5, 8, B0111110, B1001001, B1010101, B1011101, B0001110, // @
4, 8, B1111110, B0010001, B0010001, B1111110, B0000000, // A
4, 8, B1111111, B1001001, B1001001, B0110110, B0000000, // B
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B0100010, B0000000, // C
4, 8, B1111111, B1000001, B1000001, B0111110, B0000000, // D
4, 8, B1111111, B1001001, B1001001, B1000001, B0000000, // E
4, 8, B1111111, B0001001, B0001001, B0000001, B0000000, // F
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1001001, B1111010, B0000000, // G
4, 8, B1111111, B0001000, B0001000, B1111111, B0000000, // H
3, 8, B1000001, B1111111, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, // I
4, 8, B0110000, B1000000, B1000001, B0111111, B0000000, // J
4, 8, B1111111, B0001000, B0010100, B1100011, B0000000, // K
4, 8, B1111111, B1000000, B1000000, B1000000, B0000000, // L
5, 8, B1111111, B0000010, B0001100, B0000010, B1111111, // M
5, 8, B1111111, B0000100, B0001000, B0010000, B1111111, // N
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B0111110, B0000000, // O
4, 8, B1111111, B0001001, B0001001, B0000110, B0000000, // P
4, 8, B0111110, B1000001, B1000001, B10111110, B0000000, // Q
4, 8, B1111111, B0001001, B0001001, B1110110, B0000000, // R
4, 8, B1000110, B1001001, B1001001, B0110010, B0000000, // S
5, 8, B0000001, B0000001, B1111111, B0000001, B0000001, // T
4, 8, B0111111, B1000000, B1000000, B0111111, B0000000, // U
5, 8, B0001111, B0110000, B1000000, B0110000, B0001111, // V
5, 8, B0111111, B1000000, B0111000, B1000000, B0111111, // W
5, 8, B1100011, B0010100, B0001000, B0010100, B1100011, // X
5, 8, B0000111, B0001000, B1110000, B0001000, B0000111, // Y
4, 8, B1100001, B1010001, B1001001, B1000111, B0000000, // Z
2, 8, B1111111, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // [
4, 8, B0000001, B0000110, B0011000, B1100000, B0000000, // backslash
2, 8, B1000001, B1111111, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // ]
3, 8, B0000010, B0000001, B0000010, B0000000, B0000000, // hat
4, 8, B1000000, B1000000, B1000000, B1000000, B0000000, // _
2, 8, B0000001, B0000010, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // `
4, 8, B0100000, B1010100, B1010100, B1111000, B0000000, // a
4, 8, B1111111, B1000100, B1000100, B0111000, B0000000, // b
4, 8, B0111000, B1000100, B1000100, B0101000, B0000000, // c
4, 8, B0111000, B1000100, B1000100, B1111111, B0000000, // d
4, 8, B0111000, B1010100, B1010100, B0011000, B0000000, // e
3, 8, B0000100, B1111110, B0000101, B0000000, B0000000, // f
4, 8, B10011000, B10100100, B10100100, B01111000, B0000000, // g
4, 8, B1111111, B0000100, B0000100, B1111000, B0000000, // h
3, 8, B1000100, B1111101, B1000000, B0000000, B0000000, // i
4, 8, B1000000, B10000000, B10000100, B1111101, B0000000, // j
4, 8, B1111111, B0010000, B0101000, B1000100, B0000000, // k
3, 8, B1000001, B1111111, B1000000, B0000000, B0000000, // l
5, 8, B1111100, B0000100, B1111100, B0000100, B1111000, // m
4, 8, B1111100, B0000100, B0000100, B1111000, B0000000, // n
4, 8, B0111000, B1000100, B1000100, B0111000, B0000000, // o
4, 8, B11111100, B0100100, B0100100, B0011000, B0000000, // p
4, 8, B0011000, B0100100, B0100100, B11111100, B0000000, // q
4, 8, B1111100, B0001000, B0000100, B0000100, B0000000, // r
4, 8, B1001000, B1010100, B1010100, B0100100, B0000000, // s
3, 8, B0000100, B0111111, B1000100, B0000000, B0000000, // t
4, 8, B0111100, B1000000, B1000000, B1111100, B0000000, // u
5, 8, B0011100, B0100000, B1000000, B0100000, B0011100, // v
5, 8, B0111100, B1000000, B0111100, B1000000, B0111100, // w
5, 8, B1000100, B0101000, B0010000, B0101000, B1000100, // x
4, 8, B10011100, B10100000, B10100000, B1111100, B0000000, // y
3, 8, B1100100, B1010100, B1001100, B0000000, B0000000, // z
3, 8, B0001000, B0110110, B1000001, B0000000, B0000000, // {
1, 8, B1111111, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, B0000000, // |
3, 8, B1000001, B0110110, B0001000, B0000000, B0000000, // }
4, 8, B0001000, B0000100, B0001000, B0000100, B0000000, // ~

int data = 12;
int load = 10;
int clock = 11;
int maxInUse = 4; //change this variable to set how many MAX7219's you'll use
MaxMatrix m(data, load, clock, maxInUse);
byte buffer[10];
char myStr[] = "Juan Antonio - KIO4.COM ";
int i;

void setup()

void loop()
/* while (Serial.available() > 0)
byte c = Serial.read();
Serial.println(c, DEC);
printCharWithShift(c, 100);

for (i = 0; i < sizeof(myStr) - 1; i++){
Serial.print(i, DEC);
Serial.print(" = ");
printCharWithShift(myStr[i], 100);
m.shiftLeft(false, true);


void printCharWithShift(char c, int shift_speed)
if (c < 32) return;
c -= 32;
memcpy_P(buffer, CH + 7*c, 7);
m.writeSprite(32, 0, buffer);
m.setColumn(32 + buffer[0], 0);

for (int i=0; i<buffer[0]+1; i++) 
m.shiftLeft(false, false);

void printStringWithShift(char* s, int shift_speed)
while (*s != 0)
printCharWithShift(*s, shift_speed);


- Hay otro modelo con 4 pantallas.



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© Juan A. Villalpando
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