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Curso de App inventor 2 en español - Juan Antonio Villalpando

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169V.- JavaScript. Hand tracking. Seguimiento de mano.

- Es conveniente utilizar FireFox, en Chrome no me ha funcionado.

- Es necesario tener conectada al ordenador una Cámara Web.

- Al mover la mano delante de la cámara se dibujará su movimiento.

1.- Entramos en:


2. Pulsamos en demo.

- Elegimos nuestra Cámara Web.

- Para verlo a pantalla completa pulsamos con el botón derecho del ratón en la zona gris, luego "Este marco" y "Abrir marco en una nueva pestaña"

- Aquí lo tenemos a pantalla completa.

- También podemos copiar el código fuente de la página y verlo en local:



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        <span class="title">MediaPipe</span>
    <div class="shoutout">
        <a href="https://solutions.mediapipe.dev/hands">
          Click here for more info
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const canvasCtx = canvasElement.getContext('2d');
// We'll add this to our control panel later, but we'll save it here so we can
// call tick() each time the graph runs.
const fpsControl = new FPS();
// Optimization: Turn off animated spinner after its hiding animation is done.
const spinner = document.querySelector('.loading');
spinner.ontransitionend = () => {
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function onResults(results) {
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    // Update the frame rate.
    // Draw the overlays.
    canvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasElement.width, canvasElement.height);
    canvasCtx.drawImage(results.image, 0, 0, canvasElement.width, canvasElement.height);
    if (results.multiHandLandmarks && results.multiHandedness) {
        for (let index = 0; index < results.multiHandLandmarks.length; index++) {
            const classification = results.multiHandedness[index];
            const isRightHand = classification.label === 'Right';
            const landmarks = results.multiHandLandmarks[index];
            drawConnectors(canvasCtx, landmarks, HAND_CONNECTIONS, { color: isRightHand ? '#00FF00' : '#FF0000' }),
                drawLandmarks(canvasCtx, landmarks, {
                    color: isRightHand ? '#00FF00' : '#FF0000',
                    fillColor: isRightHand ? '#FF0000' : '#00FF00',
                    radius: (x) => {
                        return lerp(x.from.z, -0.15, .1, 10, 1);
const hands = new Hands({ locateFile: (file) => {
        return `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@mediapipe/hands@0.1/${file}`;
    } });
// Present a control panel through which the user can manipulate the solution
// options.
new ControlPanel(controlsElement, {
    selfieMode: true,
    maxNumHands: 2,
    minDetectionConfidence: 0.5,
    minTrackingConfidence: 0.5
    new StaticText({ title: 'MediaPipe Hands' }),
    new Toggle({ title: 'Selfie Mode', field: 'selfieMode' }),
    new SourcePicker({
        onSourceChanged: () => {
        onFrame: async (input, size) => {
            const aspect = size.height / size.width;
            let width, height;
            if (window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight) {
                height = window.innerHeight;
                width = height / aspect;
            else {
                width = window.innerWidth;
                height = width * aspect;
            canvasElement.width = width;
            canvasElement.height = height;
            await hands.send({ image: input });
        examples: {
            videos: [],
            images: [],
    new Slider({
        title: 'Max Number of Hands',
        field: 'maxNumHands',
        range: [1, 4],
        step: 1
    new Slider({
        title: 'Min Detection Confidence',
        field: 'minDetectionConfidence',
        range: [0, 1],
        step: 0.01
    new Slider({
        title: 'Min Tracking Confidence',
        field: 'minTrackingConfidence',
        range: [0, 1],
        step: 0.01
    .on(x => {
    const options = x;
    videoElement.classList.toggle('selfie', options.selfieMode);
//# sourceURL=pen.js







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