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codigo fuente y debugging

Publicado: Jue Jul 27, 2017 3:47 pm
por elporti
Hola a todos. Es posible mediante este programa ver el codigo fuente que se genera por la sumatoria de todos los bloques?
Otra, es posible hacer debugging del código (fuente o bloque) a medida que se va ejecutando para tratar de descubrir donde están los errores que nos va tirando la aplicación?

desde ya muchas gracias

Re: codigo fuente y debugging

Publicado: Jue Jul 27, 2017 4:17 pm
por admin
Hola, no se si entenderás esto...
This is hard for many users to understand, but the blocks code you seen on your screen *is* the source code of your language. It describes the syntax tree of your App Inventor program in the same way that traditional text programs describe the syntax trees of their languages.

When you save a .aia file (which is really just a .zip file), the blocks are saved in an XML textual format that describes exactly the same nested tree structure you see on your screen with the blocks. So if you're more comfortable with thinking of text as source code, this XML format is the source code of App Inventor programs.

When your blocks program is executed on your phone, it is *not* translated to a traditional language like Java/C/JavaScript etc. It is translated to Scheme-like YAIL code and executed in an interpreter on the phone. Ultimately all Android apps are running a version of Java, but App Inventor code is never converted to Java in live development mode. Rather, it's YAIL code that runs in an interpreter implemented on top of Java. So there's no way to "see" the Java code associated with your app.

El código fuente es en realidad archivos xml, no es Java, puedes abrir un archivo .aia con un descompresor como el Winrar.

En la parte de los bloques en Screen1 hay un bloque llamado Screen1.Error con ese bloque se pueden distinguir algunos errores.