<#location> weather

 Latitude <#latitude>    Longitude <#longitude>    Elevation <#altitude>

Dawn: <#dawn> Sunrise: <#sunrise> Moonrise: <#moonrise> Moon
Dusk: <#dusk> Sunset:  <#sunset> Moonset: <#moonset>
Daylight: <#daylightlength> Day length: <#daylength> Moon Phase: <#moonphase>

Welcome to <#longlocation>.

The weather station in use is the <#stationtype>, and these pages are updated every <#interval> minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at <#rollovertime>.

Forecast: <#forecast>

Conditions at local time <#time>
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature <#temp> <#tempunit> Dew Point <#dew> <#tempunit>
Windchill <#wchill> <#tempunit> Humidity <#hum>%
Heat Index <#heatindex> <#tempunit> Apparent Temperature <#apptemp> <#tempunit>
Solar Radiation <#SolarRad> W/m² Evapotranspiration Today <#ET> <#rainunit>
Rainfall Today <#rfall> <#rainunit> Rainfall Rate <#rrate> <#rainunit>/hr
Rainfall This Month <#rmonth> <#rainunit> Rainfall This Year <#ryear> <#rainunit>
Rainfall Last Hour <#rhour> <#rainunit> Last rainfall <#LastRainTipISO>
Wind Speed (gust) <#wgust> <#windunit> Wind Speed (avg) <#wspeed> <#windunit>
Wind Bearing <#avgbearing>° <#wdir> Beaufort <#beaufort> <#beaudesc>
Barometer  <#press> <#pressunit> <#presstrend> <#presstrendval> <#pressunit>/hr
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::this month::this year::records::monthly records::trends:<#forum><#webcam>

Page updated <#update>
powered by Cumulus v<#version> (<#build>)